Sunday, 20 January 2019

Gigs on fiverr for Zazzlers

The Nifty tools I've built for Zazzlers are used over and over again by most of the Zazzlers who give them a try.
Even though they're simple to use, there's one group of Zazzlers who don't use it much at all:

Those who don't realize their Zazzle store is a business

And that's the group of Zazzlers who are new to the concepts to do with promoting their Zazzle designs as a business would - and that can prove to be too much for many. Those Zazzlers are happy to share from each product's page when the fancy takes them.

What I'd say to them is that by having a store on Zazzle you are a business and to be successful in business you have to behave like a business. And that means promoting like a business does.

Do you?

For example, do you do any marketing campaigns? Any seasonal event deserves its own campaign and right now, Valentine's day is approaching. To get the results we'd all like to have, takes far more shares than we can ever hope to achieve by hand, sharing from product pages and collections.

How to get the message across?

Any Zazzler who is serious about taking more of a business approach needs to use tools powerful enough for the task. At the very least, the tools should multiply your effort and take 10 minutes to get the results you could only hope to get by spending hours at it without the tools.

Reaching those who would benefit

The main way I try to reach Zazzlers about the Nifty tools is via the Zazzle forum but I recognise only a tiny percentage, overall, visit there. So to try and reach more Zazzlers I've put up a couple of gigs on fiverr.

The first is a gig where I build an ebook for them (using the Zebookfreec service) out of one of their collections. The second offers to pin the content of one of their collections to either one of my boards or one of theirs at the rate of 12 per day until finished.

I'm hoping that people who get in touch about the gigs will (eventually?) be open to the idea of using the Nifty tools, with the standard brilliant, free hand-holding I give.

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