Saturday, 28 October 2017

Rich Pins for Zazzle products that include your referral id & tracking code

Stumped on how to include your referral id and tracking code and still get a rich pin of a Zazzle product on Pinterest? Here's the answer - guaranteed to work every time!

Summary of steps to get your rich pin

If you don't want to watch the short, 3 minute video above, here's the steps:
  1. Open the product page of what you want to pin and copy what's in the address bar (the url) ready for what follows
  2. Open Pinterest in a new browser window and hover over / tap the white-plus-in-a-red-circle

  3. Tap / click the option you'll see to "save from site"
  4. Paste what you just copied into the dialog box
  5. Type ?rf= on the end and then paste in your referral id
  6. Type &tc= on the end and give the tracking code you want (e.g. pinterest_test
  7. Tap / click the next button
  8. Choose the board you want to put it on
That's it, you now have a rich pin that includes your referral id and tracking code!

Here's the created Rich Pin

Here's the pin I created in the video - check it out and you'll see it's a rich pin, as indicated by having a price and a description from the product page's own description:

If you hover over the pin, you'll see the referral id and tracking code in the displayed link at the bottom left of your browser window.

That was nice and easy, wasn't it?! Please share this post or the video with your Zazzler friends so they can benefit, too :)