Thursday, 9 October 2014

Stop the world, I want to get off! Throw Pillows

Featured Product!

A gorgeous design. Click to customize and personalize. Maybe you'd like to see your name or initials on it?

tagged with: scrmlghs, bewildered faces, staring eyes, screaming, scream, mad eyes, interlocking faces, interwoven faces, zany fun, hrfptraz

Fun series A bright, fun painting featuring a mass of jumbled up and interwoven staring eyes, screaming mouths and bewildered faces.Pace of life too manic? If you feel like you want the world to stop, so you can get off, then this design is for you!
more items with this image
more items in the Fun series

image code: scrmlghs

»visit the HightonRidley store for more designs and products like this
The Zazzle Promise: We promise 100% satisfaction. If you don't absolutely love it, we'll take it back!

Cute Spouting Whale - Book Belongs To Square Sticker

A gorgeous best-selling design. Click to customize or personalize. How would it look with your name or monogram on it - why not have a look-see right now?

tagged with: book belongs, my book, book owner, book plate, tail flukes, fun whale, funny whale, whale spout, hrbstslr cswh, spouting whale, blowing whale, cartoon whale

Just Fun series A fun design on a faux leather-look background. The image is of a cute whale blowing a spout and splashing his tail flukes. This is a fantastic set of "This Book Belongs To" book plate stickers - just change the provided text to your child's name where indicated.
more items with this image
more items in the Just Fun series
image code: cswh

»visit the HightonRidley store for more designs and products like this

Cute ponies for the bedroom and school

Black Cartoon Shetland Pony Canvas PrintRed Roan Cartoon Shetland Pony iPad SleeveConnemara Pony Courier Bags

Cute ponies for the bedroom and school

If you know a boy or girl who loves ponies then here's a collection that should give you some gift ideas.
Any boy or girl will love them - some for bedroom and some for school. Which of these would be best?

Click the image for more details and to buy. You'll also see more designs from the artist there.

Vintage Cute Baby Boy Bottle Puppy Dog Baby Shower Postage Stamps

Cute Alert!

How can you resist this cute puppy design? Maybe you'd like to see your name or initials on it? Click to customize and personalize...

tagged with: child, americana, baby shower, retro, vintage, nostalgia, blue blanket, nostalgic, sprinkle, toddlers, tchotchke

Vintage illustration children and babies image featuring a cute baby boy on a blue blanket drinking milk with an adorable pet terrier puppy dog at his side holding the bottle in his mouth.

»visit the Tchotchke store for more designs and products like this
The Zazzle Promise: We promise 100% satisfaction. If you don't absolutely love it, we'll take it back!

Beautiful Chemistry: Amazing Chemical Reactions Filmed with a 4K UltraHD Camera

Fun and Random

Beautiful Chemistry: Amazing Chemical Reactions Filmed with a 4K UltraHD Camera macro chemistry

Beautiful Chemistry: Amazing Chemical Reactions Filmed with a 4K UltraHD Camera macro chemistry

Beautiful Chemistry: Amazing Chemical Reactions Filmed with a 4K UltraHD Camera macro chemistry

Beautiful Chemistry is a new collaboration between Tsinghua University Press and University of Science and Technology of China that seeks to make chemistry more accessible and interesting to the general public. Their first project was the creation of several short films that utilize a 4K UltraHD camera to capture a variety of striking chemical reactions without the usual clutter of test tubes, beakers or lab equipment. I definitely would have paid a bit more attention in chemistry class if we’d had the opportunity to watch some of these. Filmed and edited by Yan Liang.

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The Power of “TK” in Content Writing (and How it Can Help You)

Blogging with purpose

original post »

Sometimes blogging is just slooooww…

If you’ve ever been struggling (painfully) to write a couple of paragraphs that would make sense, only to find yourself with 400 words after two hours of effort then you know what I mean.

There can be many reasons why this is possibly your reality at the moment.

Maybe it’s just not your day.


Maybe you have some kind of a
writer’s block.


But maybe you’re just
slowing yourself down
by getting hung up
on a missing word
for minutes at a time.

Yep, maybe that’s the case …

But the problem here is that
it’s against human nature
to leave blank spaces
or to keep writing when there’s clearly a word or phrase missing.

We – humans – just don’t like such [_ gaps _]!


This is where
the concept of “TK”
comes into play.

It’s the oldest trick in the book that all of our journalist friends have known for ages (shush!).

In short, TK stands for “to come.”

Here’s how to use it :

Whenever you have a word missing
(any word, verb, noun, specific name) …

… put “TK” in its place
and keep writing like nothing ever happened …

… With some practice, this will allow you
to continue going forward
without breaking your flow.

Some examples:
(1) “There are tons of people who TK at blogging because they took too much TK upon themselves.” (2) “You can get such functionality with a plugin like TK.” (3) “It performs a number of checks against things like TK, TK, and a lot of other stuff.”


Then, once you’re done writing,
you can go back to every instance of TK
and replace it with the actual word or phrase.

“But wait a minute, ‘to come’ is TC!” You say.

Right, but the combination of
the letters “T” and “K”
is much more practical
as it almost doesn’t occur
in the English language

Therefore, when you’re going through your piece
during the editing phase,
searching for every TK
won’t get you any false positives


How about you? Do you TK much?

Karol K. (@carlosinho) is a freelance writer, published author, founder of and a blogger at (delivering some cool freelance blogging and writing tools, advice and resources just like what you’re reading now). Whenever he’s not working, Karol likes to spend time training Capoeira and enjoying life.

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
Build a Better Blog in 31 Days

The Power of “TK” in Content Writing (and How it Can Help You)

Build a Better Blog in 31 Days

The Power of “TK” in Content Writing (and How it Can Help You)

The Sounds of Aerobatic Paragliding

Fun and Random

The Sounds of Aerobatic Paragliding stunts sound paragliding

First: put on your headphones or turn up the volume, otherwise the beauty of this clip might be lost. Sounds of Paragliding is a new video from director Shams (previously), and sound engineer Thibaut Darscotte who took special equipment into the skies above France to record the sounds of Théo de Blic’s aerobatic paragliding. Instead of amping up the music and intensity like so many high-speed stunt/wingsuit/skydiving videos these days, Shams instead slows everything down to focus on only the sounds created by Blic’s parasail whipping through the air at incredible speed. It doesn’t really get going until after 2:00, but is completely worth it.

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