Thursday 15 July 2021

New Mac Educational App for Younger Kids - Where is Moji?

What's the best way for kids to learn?

That's easy to answer - when they're having fun playing.

So, as a parent (or grandparent) who wants to give your kids every chance, look for a fun game they can play for every topic they need to learn about.

As an added bonus, if it keeps them occupied - it frees up some of your time to do other things (or rest!)

Joining in magnifies the effect...

Don't abandon them to the game. Playing with them or being around to encourage them while they play will help their learning along even more. It also gives them the chance to ask you questions or for you to spot further learning opportunities and give them a nudge in that direction.

The younger they are, the more this approach to learning is the way to go. For preschoolers and early-years learners, there is no better way!

Pattern matching / these two things are the same


Here's a great example of a fun game to help them learn to spot things that are the same. It's got a great title - Where is Moji? and is available right now for Macs.



for iOS (iPad  / iPhone)


Watch a movie of a complete game being played (on an iPad) and picture your own kids playing it and having fun!