Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Desiderata Floral Posters designed by Highton Ridley, made by Zazzle Logo
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These gorgeous poster prints feature the world famous Desiderata poem on floral images from Highton Ridley. The poem has inspired young coming-of-age adults since the 1920's and is as popular today as it ever was. It has been given as a gift by loving parents, grandparents, godparents and aunts and uncles as essential life-wisdom ever since it was written.
They've found it to be one of the few ways for such wisdom to get past those raging hormones, giving support to the upcoming generation through their rebellious years and beyond...
Perfect today for a brighter tomorrow, each is produced by Zazzle, who have a fantastic reputation for quality, customer service and speedy delivery.
Which one will you choose?

Visit the HightonRidley gift store