Friday, 14 April 2017

Now exclude Zazzle-added product names from product titles in Nifty

This new addition is out now, here: Nifty Promo Control Panel.

The times to use it are when you use standard products in non-standard ways and the Zazzle-added product names mess up your titles.

For example, if you give a title of "Pink orchid wedding table cards" and use business cards to make them, then Zazzle will add one of several product name variations to the end. For this example, you might end up with "Pink orchid wedding table cards business cards".

Huh? What's that you say? Definitely a confusing effect on the reader!

By default, this is set on so that you do get the Zazzle-added names as usual. Remove the check-mark and they'll disappear. Here's where to find the new option:

As you can see, it's an advanced option in Step 1.

You'll see the effect on the product titles displayed in the product grid at the bottom.

The only thing not being done in this update are the changes to the embed-code widgets in Step 2. Everything else in Step 2 is done; the slideshows and product grid sharers, individual product sharers and the nIFTTTy scheduler.

Not many will use this feature but it's essential to those who really do need it. Original idea from Swisstoons.

Give it a try here: Nifty Promo Control Panel.