Sunday, 11 January 2015

Cute Husky Puppies Iphone 4/4s Case

Cute Alert!

How can you resist this cute puppy design? Maybe you'd like to see your name or initials on it? Click to customize and personalize...

tagged with: cute husky puppies iphone 4, 4s case, husky puppies iphone case, siberian husky, siberian huskies, siberian puppies, husky puppies, huskies

Cute Husky Puppies Iphone 4/4s Case

»visit the Lawlzorz store for more designs and products like this
The Zazzle Promise: We promise 100% satisfaction. If you don't absolutely love it, we'll take it back!

Rustic Pump, Well and Cartwheel scene Christmas Ornaments

A gorgeous best-selling design. Click to customize or personalize. How would it look with your name or monogram on it - why not have a look-see right now?

tagged with: cart wheel, hand pump, olde worlde scene, rustic scene, moss covered well, hrbstslr hrcol152, olde worlde well, rustic well

English Scenes series A hand-lever water pump, well and old carte-wheel bask in the last rays of the dying day - A typical olde-worlde rustic English scene taken in the late summer.
more items with this image
more items in the English Scenes series

Image code: hrcol152

»visit the HightonRidley store for more designs and products like this

2-step tip: link to the description section on a Zazzle product page

I bumped into this today in solving a linking need I had.

In SMB Pro (one of my tools), under some circumstances I give a trimmed / shortened version of a product's description - it originally comes from the product's page on Zazzle, via an RSS feed but that's by the by.

I wanted to put on the end of the trimmed description ...more-> with that being a link, not just to the product's page on Zazzle, but also to the section on the page where the description appears.

I found out how to do it :)
  1. Take your normal link url (with referral id and tracking code, of course!) 
  2. Put on the very end of the url this magic incantation:
    #page_productUi_zWidget0 Yaay!
You'll end up with a link that looks like this:

Try it, you'll get taken straight to the description section.

Enjoy this one, I did!