Saturday, 10 March 2012

Giving your Zazzle customers choice on the back of Throw Pillows

Thanks to DizzyDebbie for this idea- I saw it on wedding table setting cards in her store.

What does this do?

This technique gives
  • a customer greater choice on what appears on the reverse of throw pillows
  • keeps the design control in your hands
These two factors together increase your chance of a sale.

Have a look at these two images of a throw pillow I have in my store:
Front of a throw pillow
...and here's the reverse

You can see on the reverse shot that there are some instructions on the white panel - Keep hitting clear under each image until the one you want appears on the product together with some additional text, which I'll describe a little further on.

Have a look at the next image. It shows what a customer will see in the Personalize it panel when they look at the product page. On it, you can see I've prepared a number of patterns (as template items) for the back.

This is what a customer sees

Clearing down

All the customer has to do is to clear each one in turn (using the clear link under each image) until the pattern they want is displayed on the pillow's back.

If they mess up, the instruction panel tells them that they can start over by refreshing the page. It also reminds them to look at the very end of the Personalize it panel for any text personalizations that may be available.

Further instructions

From the product description
Folks don't always read what you intend them to, so it's a good idea to give them as much chance as possible by putting them in the product description as well.

Your turn

If you haven't already, click on one of the throw cushion images above and have a go. Remember, if you mess up or just want to, you can start over by refreshing the browser window (F5 on Windows PCs).

If you have any suggestions for improving this technique, drop off a comment, as I'll be starting to put into into practice for new throw pillows I'll be making for my store in the next few days.

It's not just for me, of course, other Zazzlers will benefit as well. Thanks on behalf of all of us in advance!

Happy Zazzling :)

comments, feedback, Likes, +1s, Tweets are all welcome :)

Dazzled Bug Cute Cases

Cute iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad cases with a strange creature - funny big-eyed fluffy character - the funny, fluffy and lovable Dazzled Bug.
All cases can be personalized with a name or message to make them extra special and unique.

Visit the borianag store on Zazzle

Cute lemur products

Beautiful customizable products with lemur photographs. The photo's show how cute and lovable these animals are.

We have some really unique photographs of lemur baby's of just a few weeks old.
The lemurs are really caring and loving for a new baby in their group.

Most of our lemur photographs are of the ring-tailed maki (also called Lemur catta / katta). But we also have pictures of the crowned lemur and red belly lemur.

The photographs are made by Arnolda ©

Visit the funcards store on Zazzle

Red Chinese Dragon Teasets - designed by Highton Ridley, made by Zazzle

Here are all the items you need for a fabulous tea set featuring gorgeous red dragons.

Each has a message that says "Wishing You Great Prosperity" in both Chinese and English. Perfect today for a wonderful tomorrow! If you like you can personalize the text or leave it as is - your choice.

Designed by Highton Ridley, made by Zazzle, you won't find a finer reputation for quality goods, customer service and speedy delivery.

Visit the HightonRidley store on Zazzle