Fun and Random
“Unmellow Yellow” by Nanette Lepore
For spring 2015, Bloomingdale’s reached out to several designers to create pieces that both matched and were constructed by iconic Crayola colors. The pieces are designed with playful colors, yet have a sharp edge, the points of the crayons adding 3D elements to many of the elaborate pieces. The most dynamic, a bright yellow dress designed by Nanette Lepore, showcases a bustier of organized pinwheel crayon segments extending from the ornate neckline.
Other designers chosen were Rebecca Taylor, Clover Canyon, Rebecca Minkoff, Torn by Ronny Kobo, and Parker. Parker added a creative spin to the project, incorporating the Jungle Green crayon wrappers as faux-fabric within their designed romper. Designers Derek Farrar and Laurieanne Gilner explained that not only was the piece environmentally sound, but also gave them a serious case of spring fever.
The pieces, photographed by Matthew Carasella, are currently on display at the 59th Street Bloomingdale’s location in New York City, and more detailed shots can be found on Carasella’s portfolio site here. (via Laughing Squid)
Update: It should also be noted that another artist, Herb Williams (previously), has been creating similar Crayon fashions since 2007.
“Unmellow Yellow” by Nanette Lepore
“Bittersweet” by Torn by Ronny Kobo
“Clover Canyon” by Mountain Meadow
“Midnight Blue” by Rebecca Taylor
“Banana Mania” by Rebecca Minkoff
“Banana Mania” by Rebecca Minkoff
“Jungle Green” by Parker
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