Fun and Random
Technological mandala 30. Electronic components, copper wire, paper, 122 cm x 122 cm, 2013.
Technological mandala 30, detail
Technological mandala 27. Electronic components, copper wire, paper, 150cm x 150 cm, 2013.
Technological mandala 15. Electronic components, copper wire, paper, wood frame, 80 cm x 80 cm, 2014.
Technological mandala 34. Electronic components, copper wire, paper, wood frame, 76 cm x 76 cm x 7 cm, 2014.
Multimedia artist Leonard Ulian (previously here and here) has a number of new mandalas and wrapped books created using a variety of soldered radio and computer components. The mandala is traditionally known as a spiritual and ritual symbol in both Hinduism and Buddhism meant to represent the universe, but through his deep interest in how systems can be applied to the process of art making, Ulian has adopted mandala patterns to create symmetrical networks. The artist most recently had work on view at The Flat, and you can see much more on Ulian’s website. (via Beautiful Decay)
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