..or getting more visitors to your store
I've been doing this for over a year now and many others are doing the same
What's my tip? It's a way of getting people to your store directly from the back of one of your cards... they point their mobile phone at the special graphic you've put there and, whammo, they're at your store! Here's an example - see back
What is this special graphic? There's a universal and standard 2d-bar code (called a "QR-Code" - Quick Response) that looks something like this:
If you look on adversing hoarding, billboards, magazines, flyers etc, you'll probably have noticed something similar. I'm seeing them more and more frequently - maybe you have too? Anyway, This one will take a mobile phone's browser straight to my Zazzle store's front page.
Now when folks buy one, the person getting it (and anyone who then sees it) will think to themselves "What a great card (hehe!!), where did they get it?" When they see the QRCode they'll whip out their phone, point it at the graphic and then bookmark where it takes them (my store) so they can come back later at their leisure. Why don't you get the same benefit from your card sales?
Some phones have a QR-Code reader in-built, but if yours doesn't, you can download an app for it (one such is called UpCode - see below). Maybe yours does - point the phone's camera at the graphic and see what happens!
Getting a QR Code for your store
Want one for your own page? Paste the following into your browser's address bar, using your store's url where indicated and one will be automatically generated for you!!
(Don't forget to put the asterisk at the end of your store name, so you get any referral bonus)http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=250x250&cht=qr&chl=http://www.your-zaazle-store-url-here*
When you see the image like the above, simply drag it onto your desktop, then upload to one of your image albums on Zazzle.
Other Ideas
- Put one on your own business card for your store
- Make one for a link to a store category or a specific item (don't forget to include your Zazzle rf number)
And it's not just for stores - Use it on profile cards and have it link to, for example, your Google or Facebook profile.
- Offer it to customers who commission stationery from you – ask your customer for the destination and put the right QR-Code on it for them. The destination might be a web site for more info, a registration or enquiry page ..whatever they want.
So be creative! Drop off a comment to let us all know how about your great ideas for using it!!
comments / feedback not just welcomed but actively encouraged :)
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