Not the grammar police!
Bad grammar and misspellings can really put people off your store. People will forgive the odd misteak(!) but if they see repeated errors, they will get the impression that you don't care enough to get it right. And then they will go on to think that your "bad" attitude spills over onto your products and customer service.
There's one type of particularly common error that I often see on the Zazzle forums, and even worse than that, actually on storekeepers' products!
What are these mistakes I'm on about? The most common are when someone uses:
- your instead of you're (when they mean "you are")
- their or there instead of they're (when they mean "they are")
Here's a bigger list that hopefully will reveal a pattern:
- They are—in casual speech/friendly writing becomes they're
- You are—in casual speech/friendly writing becomes you're
- It is—becomes it's
- That is—becomes that's
- You will—becomes you'll
- They have—becomes they've
- We will—becomes we'll
When you leave out a letter or two, to give the reader a clue you use that little symbol called an apostrophe. When used in this way, it is given a special name—an apostrophe of omission. Yes, you've (you have) got it, it's (it is) because you're (you are) using it when you have omitted one / some letters.
So next time you're about to use the word "your", double check and see if you can say "you are" in its place. If you can, then it should be you're. Same for "their" or "there"—if you can say "they are" in its place (without changing the meaning), then it should be they're.
Another couple of gotchas
While on this subject, a couple of personal bug-bears of mine:- I should of done that—aaargh!! I should have done that...
- mixing up compliment and complement
I can pay you a complIment by saying something nIce about you; if something looks good nExt to something Else, it complEments it
Do you know of or see any other grammar errors on storekeepers' products that might be preventing sales? If so, we'd love you to share them here, so don't be shy, drop off a comment... (no need to link to them, that wouldn't be fair)
comments / feedback not just welcomes but actively encouraged :)
Great post! And I love the 'Grandma police' lol
ReplyDeleteI in no way claim to be the perfect speller but I have the kind of brain that picks them out immediately. Add that I'm a Brit living in the States with the different spellings of common words - oh dear !
ReplyDeleteGood post - I enjoyed it !
I'm so thankful for spell-checker, and try to be grammatically correct. Who and whom always confuse me though. This is a great post and should convince kids to pay attention in English (language arts) class - it will be used in life!!