Saturday 26 January 2019

New style for Nifty's Product Grid sharer page

We like to keep Nifty up-to-date and relevant in this wonderful, chaotic internet world in which we virtually live. This time, it's the turn of the product grid sharer page to come under the spotlight.

A big thankyou to the feedback that molded it into it's final form (second piccie, below). You know who you are, Dale, BK and Malissa - 💐💐💐

Ever since we built the product grid sharer page tool for Nifty, it's used the same layout. It was time for a freshen-up.
Compare the two. Here's the original:

the old layout for the product grid sharer page

...and here's the new layout:
click the image to see this new layout for real

I think you'll agree, it's a cleaner and fresher look and might tip the balance in helping you get a few more sales 👍

We've only just put this live - why not be one of the first to see it for real?

Enjoy 😎

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